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Thursday, October 30, 2008



为什么压力会这么大呢?思前想后,我想只有一个原因,就是我对什么事都太认真了。其实,我很羡慕那些happy-go-lucky的朋友。如果我凡事放轻松,不去管这么多,保持一颗平常心,烦恼应该会少很多吧!不过,这不是我的style。我就是我,紧张大师 - 徐巧芬。


Sunday, October 26, 2008

High School Musical 3

I watched High School Musical 3 in the afternoon. Pretty nice! If you are able to appreciate singing and dancing style of acting, I believe you will enjoy the movie. Nice songs and fantastic dance moves. I love the pairing of Troy & Gabriella too, lots of chemistry between them, probably because they are also a couple in real life.

Although I thought the movie was quite good, my boyfriend fell asleep halfway-through (he did that too when we watched lust-caution last year). I think he didn't like the movie very much as he couldn't understand why they would suddenly start singing and dancing as and when they like (he's not much of a musical person you see). LOL...

We saw a lot of children in the move theatre as HSM is really popular among the kids. I heard a lot of children giggling when Troy kissed Gabriella. LOL. Actually, I don't understand why it's so popular among the primary school children. It doesn't seem to be that "kiddy" to me, seems like a teenage movie rather than a movie suitable for children (romance, teenage rivalry all these). Personally, I got to know about this HSM because of my ex-students in the student care centre. One of the girls (P4 at that time) even lend me the book for reading but I read only halfway through. When I read the story, I thought to myself "is this actually suitable for children?" After watching the movie, I felt so even more. Not that there is many kissing scenes or what (actually only 1 or 2) but I feel the topic is more suitable for teenagers to watch. It is because the children nowadays are too much mature for their age? Well, perhaps.

HSM is a new kind of musical: trendy, young and full of energy. The topic might not be really that suitable for children but I thought it's nice to let the children learn how to appreciate musical since young (so that they won't end up like my bf). I hope Singapore children will grow to love singing and dancing (so that they won't be boring people like us). It will be good to nurture them from young =)
Saturday, October 25, 2008

K-Box Session.

I'm purely lazy! I decided to write my post today in English.

We had a girls' outing yesterday (so Steven please don't complain we nv ask you all these k..lol). Great time singing our lungs out and it's was fun. But, ziying didn't really sing, as usual haha.The k-lunch was super lousy and ironically, the staff asked us to give them feedback regarding the food. Of course, I gave them a detailed report. LOL!

Chicken Rice - Too oily. The chicken is soaked in oil.
Soy Sauce Fish - It's just steamed fish with a bit of soy sauce. Tasteless and not fresh at all. Very bad.
Gong Bao Chicken - The fried chicken is soggy. (but can be considered the best of all)

Well, although I gave them very bad comments regarding the k-lunch, I don't think they would want to improve on their food. You know why? That's because Miss Dixe Tan polished off all the food although she ate a mac burger before our k-box session. Haha! I ate half of my rice, peifen also ate about half, ziying ate a few mouthfuls and dixe finished it everything else off because she thought the rice is delicious (plus 3 orange puddings). Well, the feedback given wasn't convincing at all because of her! LOL...Dixie!!

After our k-box session, Dixie and Ziying played a round of pool while Peifen and I stood aside gossiping about our boyfriends (oops..) After that, I accompanied Dixie to the hairdresser (Kimage School of Hairdressing at Funan IT Mall) while hardworking Peifen went home to do her assignment and Ziying went Suntec for money-changing.
Well, I decided dye my hair (can't stand the uneven colour anymore) while Dixie cut her hair. Dixie was really lucky and got a HANDSOME hairdresser to cut her hair. He took about 1 hour plus to cut her hair and the results is quite good. A stylish hairstyle for Dixie for the price of $6! Value for $$! Ziying also got a new haircut, also quite nice except that she don't have "enough" hair so the fringe not thick enough. Well, I guess it really depends on your luck.
Poor me got a blur-like-sotong hairdresser who nearly "burn" my scalp with the hairdryer! Imagine me dodging the hairdryer here and there, behaved like "a bollywood actress behind a tree" in order to save my scalp! I had to keep telling her to lower down the heat until a senior walked by and taught her the correct way to use a hairdryer -_- With the help of her seniors and teacher, I got a decent hair dye and the outcome is not bad for the price ($35 for single shade dye and $15 for treatment). I overheard the teacher praising her for the work and said she improved a lot. So, i believe I'm actually lucky yesterday. Like what Dixie said, I'm considered lucky, there are many who suffered a worse fate than me!
Well, I guess I will still go to the Kimage School of Hairdressing next time (because of the cheap price and good quality products used) but I will have to make sure I have plenty of time and luck the next time I go (IF I decide to do rebonding)! Shall post pictures of my new hair colour if I have the time. The post is getting long...so BYE!
Thursday, October 23, 2008




昨天,梅兰对我说她希望我们以后毕业了还能保持联络。悲观的她觉得我们以后可能会因为工作忙碌而慢慢变得生疏。其实,我觉得我们很有可能会比较少联络,但是我想只要有人肯积极一点,时不时搞个聚会什么的,我们的友情还是能够维系下去的。我衷心地希望我们不会像我和poly 的朋友一样,毕业后就变得没什么话说,从几个月见一次面,慢慢变成一年见一次面,很有可能演变成几年见一次面或得在某某人的婚礼上才会见面。

我不像梅兰一样,像只“花蝴蝶”(social butterfly)一样交游广阔,哈哈!对我来说,真心的朋友只需要几个就好,大概是因为我是天蝎座又是AB血型(怪上加怪)吧!所以,中学的时候就是那几个好朋友(到现在还是)。Poly的时候则几乎没有什么真心的朋友(如果男朋友不算的话),大概是不喜欢她们的八卦个性(虽然自己也挺八卦的,但是我八卦在心里,不会对别人指指点点 =x)。到了NIE,本来很担心我爱得罪人的个性(经常喜怒形于色,尤其是遇到不喜欢的人)会让我交不到什么朋友,不过还是很幸运地交到一些志同道合的朋友。跟你们在一起,总是很开心!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008



开学以来,没发生什么重大事件,就这样无惊无险地过了。只有一个字,忙!Teacher Assistantship(6月23日 to 7月25日) 也这样混过去了!真的有点后悔没有把 Teacher Assistantship 的点点滴滴记录下来,遗憾。我希望我能一直保持写日记的习惯,最好把practicum 的趣事都给写下来,让我以后能够回味。考试要到了!真担心我的文字学,从来没有这么没把握过。不知道有没有好心人能替我补习文字学?我一定会涌泉相报的(请不要叫我以身相许)!哈哈!



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